Joint Pain Treatment
Do you or a loved one suffer from a condition that may limit or hinder bodily mobility? Is this condition additionally resulting in derivative pain? These problems most likely stem from somewhere in the joints. This is a result of either injury or inflammation to the tendons, ligaments, cartilage, or bones in and around the joints.
A joint condition typically appears accompanied by severe pain. This is due to the effects on the area that joins bones together. Patients may experience this pain in common areas that include the knee, shoulder, hip, and ankle.
Additionally, as any of us age, joint pain may demonstrate more prevalently. For this reason, it is crucial that any individual experiencing increasing pain seek out treatment from a qualified professional. Physical therapists can help alleviate pain originating from various sources.
Progressive Therapy Center wants to help you stop pain from ruining your life. Our methods employing manual hand therapy and assisted therapy can help your body fight back against a pain condition. These modalities will help reduce pain while helping you continue your life as normally as possible.
Arthritis is a condition that results in joint inflammation. Two of the most prominent types of the condition include rheumatoid (RA), as well as osteoarthritis (OA). OA is the more common form of arthritis and is also likely to appear as you age. RA, on the other hand, is an autoimmune disorder resulting in damage to our body’s joints.
The joint system is vital to our normal bodily function. Nevertheless, when this system becomes inflamed, this may result in large amounts of intense pain. Our therapists at Progressive Therapy Center want to assist you. We can accomplish this through expert care, treatment, and other modalities to help you regain your full range of motion while you manage your level of pain.