Treating Neurological Conditions with Physical Therapy
Physical therapy care aims to help patients relieve symptoms related to neurological conditions. It helps individuals improve their movement as well. Although some think of PT as something they can rely upon after an injury or surgical procedure, physical therapy for neurological disorders in Coral Gables can assist with a wide variety of health concerns. This includes treatment for neurological disorders.
To put it simply, a neurological condition is one that affects the brain, spinal cord, as well as the nervous system. With over 1,000 neurological diseases, some common examples include:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Brain trauma
- Cerebral palsy
- Concussions
- Epilepsy
- Migraines
- Multiple sclerosis
- Muscular dystrophy
- Parkinson’s disease
- Spine injuries
- Stroke
A physical therapist is a licensed, expertly-trained professional who works to evaluate and treat problems that can adversely impact any type of movement. As a result, patients may quickly discover more efficient recoveries, moving easier to accomplish the things they want to do.
Ultimately, physical therapy for neurological disorders is often ideal for individuals that suffer from these problems. This is largely because these patients demonstrate issues in their movement related to the disorder.
No matter the type of neurological condition that a patient suffers from, movement problems can get worse as a disease evolves and progresses. However, with intervention from a physical therapy expert, this can mitigate symptoms and progressions in relation to their more negative aspects.
How Can Physical Therapy for Neurological Disorders in Coral Gables Help?
Impairments both small and large may impart varied impacts on a patient’s ability for movement. Strokes may result in difficulties with posture and gait, resulting in further issues with pain due to the compensation in walking.
Children may need to utilize assistive devices, as well as practice sitting and standing because of a neurological condition. Similarly, conditions like traumatic brain injuries can lead to impairment with body parts working together during normal activities.
The good news is that specialists providing physical therapy for neurological disorders will work harmoniously with patients to cultivate unique, individual care plans. This means that therapy approaches between patients will remain as different as the patients themselves.
For example, individuals that require training with assistive devices will exhibit vastly different needs from those that simply need to get back to work within a few months. For this reason, physical therapists remain the ideal resources to create and implement unique solutions.
What to Expect from Neurological Physical Therapy
Every person that seeks physical therapy will attend their first appointment with a different goal. As such, PTs will development implement custom-tailored solutions for each individual patient as well. So too, the amount or frequency of treatment vastly differs from patient to patient.
Patients may remain in a hospital or healthcare facility due to their neuromusculoskeletal impairments. They could receive treatment from a physical therapist a few times each day in order to assist them with expediting overall recovery.
Contrarily, some patients may see a physical therapist a few times per week at a physical therapy center like Progressive Therapy Center or even in their own home. It all depends on their individual needs and goals.
Nonetheless, no matter what a patient suffers from, it is crucial to begin physical therapy for neurological disorders as early as possible. This treatment approach cannot stop these conditions and their effects on movement entirely, however, they can impede their progression.
Physical therapy specialists will work to maintain things like posture and gait, in addition to balance, strength, and range of motion. As a result, its often more difficult to observe the best possible results when starting physical therapy later.
Additionally, a significant portion of physical therapy in practice will take place outside of an actual therapy session. Physical therapists will prescribe and educate patients on care plan activities that they can do at home. This will help them safely maximize treatment outside of a care setting itself.
Furthermore, this will help to encourage patients. Motivated patients often do better than those who prefer to be alone. The main job isn’t offering physical therapy, it is more the focus of teaching and equipping patients for success as time goes on.
Information on Physical Therapy for Neurological Disorders in Coral Gables from Progressive Therapy Center
If you or a loved one suffer from a neuromusculoskeletal condition, its important to seek care as soon as possible. Contact Progressive Therapy Center today to learn more about physical therapy for neurological disorders in a comfortable, welcoming environment!