Physical Therapy Treatment for Lower Back Pain in Pinecrest
Lower back pain represents the most common diagnosis that physical therapists will see. Unfortunately, this painful, nagging condition afflicts three out of four Americans during some point in their lives. Lower back pain additionally reflects the second leading cause of visits to a physician, just behind trips for the common cold.
With many Americans suffering from lower back pain in Pinecrest, the affliction causes lost time at work, in addition to billions of dollars in diagnosis and treatment. Patients that suffer from lower back pain in Pinecrest will often get referred by a doctor for physical therapy as a non-surgical treatment option.
The goal behind physical therapy treatment for lower back pain is decreasing an individual’s pain, increasing their function, and educating them on a proper maintenance program to help prevent future and worsening problems.
Physical Therapy Benefits for Lower Back Pain in Pinecrest
Stability in the lumbar spine heavily depends on the supporting abdominal and lower back muscles. The abdomen offers initial stability through the ability to generate pressure. The body then posteriorly exerts this pressure on the spine offering anterior support for the spinal column.
Lower back muscles stabilize the spine from the back, leading to posterior support as well. To put this simply, the spinal column discs remain surrounded and supported by muscles. The more individuals can strengthen these muscles, the less stress is present on the discs and joints within the spinal column. Ideally, patients can cultivate a “muscle belt” around the entirety of their spine.
Physical therapy for lower back pain in Pinecrest works as an excellent, nonsurgical alternative. Back pain is often self-limiting, getting better on its own over time. However, exercise plays a crucial role in helping reduce patient pain while improving function.
By utilizing physical therapy exercises, patients strengthen the muscles that surround the spine, reducing the likelihood of future or recurring issues.
Most physical therapy regimens designed for lower back pain include some combination of the following exercises:
Adequate muscle stretching in combination with active exercise helps patients maintain their normal range of motion. It additionally provides relief for muscles that suffer due to atrophy, or spasm as a result of improper posture and nerve irritation.
For many individuals, a physical therapy program will involve stretching the lower back muscles, abdominal muscles, in addition to the hips and legs. Nevertheless, stretches should always remain slow and gradual.
Stabilization Exercise
Stabilizing exercises for lower back pain in Pinecrest involve utilizing various exercises to strengthen secondary muscles in the spine. Employing physical therapy with exercise balls, balancing machines, and specially-designed exercises help support the spine through a variety of ranges of motion.
Core-Strengthening Exercise
These exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles and lower back muscles. This provides the “muscle belt” that we mentioned earlier. These techniques might include sit-ups, crunches, and leg raises. Core-strengthening exercises might also include lower back modalities to hyperextend, stretch, and strengthen the spine.
A trendy technique involves patients standing with their legs at shoulder-width. A specialist will place a stick or weighted bar across their shoulders as the patient bends forward making their face parallel to the floor.
Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain in Pinecrest as a Surgical Alternative
Physical therapy care benefits patients before and after back surgery. Unfortunately, sometimes surgical intervention remains unavoidable for patients. The strength and stability that physical therapy exercises provide can substantially shorten patient recoveries after surgery.
Physical therapy additionally serves as a vital component of most back pain patients’ treatments. This includes individuals that undergo non-surgical, as well as surgical care. Patients with lower back pain remain more likely to recover when they keep themselves in optimal physical condition. Many surgeons and other medical specialists recommend physical therapy before undergoing surgery.
Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain in Pinecrest from Progressive Therapy Center
The three most common causes of lower back pain are poor posture, frequently bending forward, and lifting very heavy items. Trauma may represent a lower back pain cause, however, there is often no apparent reason for lower back pain symptoms.
Nevertheless, many specialists think that repetitive straining on the structures around the lumbar spine typical results in lower back pain. It is important to remember that this condition can evolve into a severe problem.
Symptoms location may also prove helpful in identifying the underlying cause of lower back pain problems. If patients experience persistent lower back pain symptoms or those that severely limit function or mobility, medial specialist intervention is essential.
Since poor posture contributes significantly to lower back pain, proper posture maintenance is additionally vital to preeminent health. Specialists will also commonly recommend using a pillow or towel to support the spine while sitting.
Our team from Progressive Therapy Center focuses on helping individuals recover from their lower back pain in Pinecrest in the most welcoming and comfortable environment possible. At our center conveniently located in the heart of the Pinecrest neighborhood, patients can rehabilitate and repair their issues while feeling like a welcome member of our family.
There is no reason to continue living restricted and in pain. Employing physical therapy remains an ideal nonsurgical alternative for many people that suffer through lower back pain issues. For more information on lower back pain in Pinecrest, as well as how our team can help you, contact Progressive Therapy Center today!