Relieve Pain from Herniated Discs in South Miami
If you experience aches and sharp radiating pains in the shoulder, arm, buttocks, or legs, this may mark an indication of a bulging or herniated disc in your neck or back. These discs reside between each one of the vertebrae that compose your spine.
Herniated discs in South Miami remain far more common in the 30-50-year-old age bracket. However, a herniated disc can occur at any age. This condition takes place when the material in the center of the disc pushes outward. This irritates the nerves in the location and may take place on either side of the spine. Depending on the nerve that a herniated disc affects, this may result in radiating pain, numbness, as well as loss of sensation.
Many people can alleviate their pain utilizing medication and physical therapy. Nonetheless, they may not realize improvements for four to six weeks. When patients experience very severe, extreme pain, physicians will likely recommend surgery as a last resort.
Physical therapy for herniated discs in South Miami often plays a crucial role in recovery. The modality not only offers immediate pain relief, but a physical therapist can additionally teach you physical conditioning that may help prevent worsening of the injury.
Many different therapeutic modalities exist that can help with disc herniation. Passive treatments will work for bodily relaxation and include massage, hot and cold treatments, electrical stimulation, and hydrotherapy.
Most physical therapy programs for herniated discs begin with passive administrations. Nonetheless, once your body begins to heal, you can begin active treatments that will strengthen your body and prevent the evolution of the pain condition.
Physical Therapy Treatment for Herniated Discs in South Miami
Exercise serves as a common component of any herniated disc treatment plan. Taking a proactive approach to treatment and recovery by utilizing physical activity can help you reduce your overall pain. It will additionally help you ensure long-term health concerning your spine.
Herniated discs in South Miami often require 1 to 2 days of rest to help alleviate pain. Nevertheless, you should resist any temptation to lie in bed for multiple days. Your muscles will require conditioning to help you through the recovery process. If you decide against physical therapy intervention and other physical activities, this can be detriment your body’s response to overall treatments.
Physical therapy represents an effective way to help you strengthen and stabilize your back muscles. This will help you prevent furthering injury and pain. Strong muscles will support your body weight and bones while taking unnecessary stress and pressure off of your spine.
Nevertheless, many people carry around too much weight, even with strong enough muscles to properly support the back, you must ensure you maintain a healthy weight to support the spine. Carrying around extra weight strains the muscles in the back. This creates essentially the same effect as doing heavy lifting all the time.
By losing weight and working with a physical therapy specialist, you can reduce your pain and promote the overall health and wellness of your back muscles and spine.
Physical therapists conduct thorough evaluations that include taking a medical history. They will also subject you to a brisk physical examination. This will help them confirm a diagnosis regarding herniated discs in South Miami.
Diagnosis and Treatment – Herniated Discs in South Miami
If your PT determines any problems indicating herniated discs in South Miami they could administer treatment right away. They will want to set you off properly on the road to recovery.
The specialist may also uncover more severe issues during testing and analysis. In these scenarios, the PT may work with another specialist to ensure that you receive the most accurate diagnosis possible. This will result in administration of preeminent care for your condition.
In all but the most extreme cases, a conservative therapeutic approach will produce the best results in treating herniated discs in South Miami. The modality can impart better outcomes than surgery or pain medications like opioids.
Treatment for Herniated Discs in South Miami from Progressive Therapy Center
Sometimes surgery is necessary to prevent permanent nerve damage or the spinal cord. If you undergo a surgical procedure for a herniated disc, a physical therapy professional can work harmoniously with you to help you regain your former strength and range of motion more quickly. Don’t endure this situation alone. It’s important to seek out a qualified professional that can help you get back to your normal lifestyle as quickly as possible.
Progressive Therapy Center is a physical therapy and rehabilitation facility located in the heart of the Pinecrest neighborhood in Miami. Our team works to help individuals mitigate and eliminate their suffering in the most comfortable and welcoming environment possible.
With exercise and proper specialist intervention, you can relieve your pain while expediting your overall recovery process. You may discover that these therapeutic exercises make you feel enjoyment and serve as a satisfying way to treat your symptoms.
Our therapy team will cultivate a care plan that works with your unique circumstances, helping to make you feel better and alleviate derivative pain from herniated discs in South Miami. We want to help you experience your best possible rehabilitation process, and feel your absolute best.
For more information on how treatment for herniated discs in South Miami can help your condition, contact the dedicated individuals from Progressive Therapy Center to schedule a consultation!