Physical Therapy Can Help You Relieve Your Back Pain
Physical therapists can work with you to help you restore movement and help your body heal. They may also educate you on ways to mitigate your pain in the future. To adequately relieve your back pain, this will likely require intervention from a physical therapy professional.
Physical therapy includes both passive and active treatments. Passive modalities work to help you relax, as well as helps relaxation in the muscles and tissues as well. We refer to these treatment methods as passive because they don’t require your active participation.
Nevertheless, many physical therapy programs for back pain relief in Pinecrest start with passive treatments as your body begins to heal. However, the goal is to utilize these approaches until you reach the active phase. Active treatments represent therapeutic exercises that strengthen the body while preventing recurring back pain issues.
More people suffer from back pain than any other orthopedic condition. For this reason, Progressive Therapy Center wants to outline some information to help you understand this common, albeit curable condition. With a little bit of physical therapy, you may discover that back pain relief in Pinecrest remains entirely possible.
How Physical Therapy Can Help with Back Pain Relief in Pinecrest
Nearly two-thirds of all Americans experience lower back pain during some point in their lives. However, a mere 35% of these individuals seek help from a professional. Nevertheless, simple ways exist for virtually anyone that wants back pain relief in Pinecrest without utilizing surgery or pain killers. These methods include:
Exercise and proper stretching of the muscles and tissues in the lower back, hips, and legs, as well as the abdomen, is vital for back pain relief in Pinecrest. Both stretching and physical exercise helps maintain a reasonable range of motion while providing substantial relief for muscles due to a lack of use. They can also help alleviate issues with muscles spasms because of never irritation or improper posture.
Controlled Movement Exercises
The goal of controlled movement exercises is retraining the spine’s muscles to support and control the spine. Physical therapists can accomplish this through a variety of ranges of motion, in addition to normal daily activities.
Many physical therapy patients that suffer from both acute and persistent back pain often additionally engage in poor movement patterns. This, as well as poor posture, can play a significant role in your current or ongoing pain.
Manual Therapy Care
To alleviate non-specific back pain, PTs may employ a combination of manual therapy and exercise. This approach is extremely effective. These techniques will include joint and soft tissue mobilization, as well as passive stretching.
Performing these methods together could enable you to move easier, with less pain. Additionally, the approach can help you regain your former confidence in your spine. As a result, this will help you recover faster while returning your body to normal daily activities.
Education and Information
Helping patients to understand their condition remains an essential component in physical therapy for back pain relief in Pinecrest. Educating you to understand back pain will help you manage your condition. Utilizing this information, you can work together with a PT to plan the best course of action while also reducing any fear of movement or pain.
Back Pain Relief in Pinecrest from Progressive Therapy Center
When needed, physical therapists can help you correct posture and gait, as well as numerous other things that may contribute to your back pain. A PT can additionally educate you on a wide variety of exercises that aim to improve your flexibility, strength, core stability, and range of motion.
Physical therapists cultivate programs for back pain relief in Pinecrest that remain unique to their patient’s conditions. These individualized programs take your health, medical history, and current issues into account. For this reason, physical therapy remains an ideal alternative to surgery and other treatments for many patients.
Our team from Progressive Therapy Center focuses on helping out patients recover in the most welcoming and comfortable environment possible. At our center in the heart of the Pinecrest neighborhood, we aim to help individuals that suffer from pain and injury recovery seamlessly.
To learn more about back pain relief in Pinecrest and how physical therapy can help you, contact our professional and dedicated team today. At Progressive Therapy Center, we treat patients like a member of our family from the second that they step through our doors. Experience the difference today while starting on the path to preeminent recovery.